How to become a member 如何申请成为会员?

Anyone interested in neonatal screening can join ISNS.
The Society’s financial year coincides with the calender year.
The annual dues are EUR 35,– irrespective of the date of joining. If the applicant pays for 2 or 3 years simultaneously the amounts are EUR 67,– or EUR 95,–, respectively.

会费与申请加入的日期无关,每年支付的金额均为35欧元。 如果申请人同时支付2年或3年的费用,金额分别为67欧元或95欧元。

There are 2 ways of registration as a potential member.
1. (preferred way) After pressing the button “Member subscribe” on the home page, the applicant can fill in the application form. Please provide academic degree and the professional address data if applicable.
After approval of the membership, dues payment can be carried out online by credit card (Visa or Mastercard only) after having logged in with the username and password chosen during the registration process..

1.(首选方式)点击主页上的“会员申请”按钮后,填写申请表内容。 请提供学位信息详细地址

2. Instead of registering online the form below can be used.

Please print, complete and return the 2023 Membership Application / Membership Renewal form
After approval of the membership, the candidate receives an email with a provisional username and password. Dues payment can be carried out online by credit card (Visa or Mastercard only) after having logged in with this username and password..

会员资格审核通过后,申请人将会收到一封具有临时用户名和密码的电子邮件。 在使用此用户名和密码登录网站后,通过信用卡(仅限于Visa或Mastercard)在线支付费用。