Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency : a study showed that newborn screening programs for Glutaric aciduria type 1 have an overall positive effect on the neurological outcome but their success depends on the quality of therapy Consult the pubmed abstract To read more about “Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency” Genet Med . 2021 Jan;23(1):13-21. (source: OrphaNews 10 May 2021) Related news Appropriate consent and health rights of children: Understanding the ethics of genomic newborn screening A new article has been published in the European Journal of Human Gene... Understanding the role of patient organisations in promoting and developing newborn screening A new article has been published in Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Jour... The WHO/World Health Assembly adopts resolution concerning maternal, newborn and child mortality The WHO/World Health Assembly adopts resolution A77/A/CONF./5 “A... Dominican Republic moves to implement neonatal screening Please see this link: Methods for estimating rare disease prevalence A new article has been published in Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Jour... New European Commission fact sheet on rare diseases The European Commission has published a new fact sheet titled “EU Ac...